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Is hydrogen therapy safe? Any side effects of hydrogen inhalation?
Divers can continuously inhale hydrogen under high pressure and concentration for 14 days while diving. Hydrogen has been used as a diving gas for over 80 years and no side effects. Therefore, long-term continuous hydrogen inhalation is a safe health management.
How long should I inhale hydrogen?
It is recommended to inhale hydrogen during sleeping,which will not affect life and work. Of course, hydrogen is absorbed while watching TV, studying, and working for a long time. As a daily health management, inhaling for 1-2 hours a day with several times can get the good effect. For critical illnesses such as acute stroke and myocardial infarction, long-term inhalation is required. Elderly people with dementia need to inhale hydrogen for at least 4-6 hours per day.
What are the benefits of hydrogen inhalation therapy?
The main benefits of hydrogen inhalation therapy include improving human health, delaying aging, improving exercise performance, and enhancing immunity.
1.Improving human health
1.1 Reduce fatigue: hydrogen absorption can increase the energy level of human cells and reduce fatigue.
1.2 Reducing inflammation: Hydrogen absorption has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce inflammatory reactions and prevent related diseases.
1.3 Protection of cardiovascular system: hydrogen absorption can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
1.4 Improving sleep quality: Hydrogen absorption can regulate sleep hormones and improve sleep quality.
2. Delaying aging
2.1 Antioxidation: hydrogen absorption can neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidation reaction, and delay Cellular senescence.
2.2 Repair of DNA damage: hydrogen absorption helps repair oxidative damage of DNA and protect gene stability.
2.3 Improving cell autophagy: Hydrogen absorption can promote cell autophagy, eliminate aging cells, and promote cell regeneration and renewal.
3 Improving exercise performance
3.1 Increase endurance: Hydrogen absorption can improve oxygen supply before and during exercise, increasing endurance and endurance.
3.2 Accelerated rehabilitation: Hydrogen absorption can reduce muscle soreness and damage after exercise, promoting the rehabilitation process.
4. Enhancing immunity
4.1 Activating the immune system: Hydrogen absorption can activate immune cells and enhance immune system function.
4.2 Reducing inflammatory reactions: Hydrogen absorption has anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce inflammatory reactions and enhance immunity.
When Should I Drink it? How many times a day can you drink hydrogen water?
For optimal efficacy, we recommend one or two pouches (or cans) a day. Drink within 30 minutes of opening, so all that hydrogen doesn't dissipate! Pro tip: hydrating with HFACTORWATER before and after your workout may help your performance and recovery.
What is the pH of hydrogen water?
Around 8-9. Hydrogen water has a pH of around 8 – 9, which is far more alkaline. This makes a difference. Drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water from a water ionizer machine can pay significant dividends when it comes to your health and well-being.
Which water is best for anti aging?
Premium alkaline water.Drinking premium alkaline water is the best thing that you can do to stop the aging process. Alkaline water also promotes better overall general health.
Is hydrogen water anti aging?
Hydrogen water was shown to promote type-1 collagen synthesis and decrease destruction of keratin cells, as well as helping to reduce wrinkle formation. These benefits can be achieved without side effects, therefore, using hydrogen water has the potential to be a safe and effective measure in anti-ageing skin care.
What are the benefits of a hydrogen bath?
Hydrogen-rich water bath is presumed to help hydrogen to permeate the blood through the hair pores, sebaceous glands, and sweat pores in the skin, resulting in the dilatation of the subcutaneous capillaries under the skin, thus increasing subcutaneous blood flow.
What is hydrogen bath?
Hydrogen Water Bath Generator is a bathing device that generates high concentrations of hydrogen molecules in water by electrolysis, providing comprehensive antioxidant protection for the body's skin. The hydrogen water bubble bath machine is developed based on the relevant theories and principles of hydrogen molecular biology, electrochemistry, electrolytic ion permeation, physics, meridians, and thermal effects. After starting the bath machine, the water inlet pipe of the bath machine will pump the water from the bathtub into the machine. When the macromolecular water passes through the quantization pipe, it will be vibrated and cut into water with smaller molecular groups. At the same time, hydrogen molecules are rapidly generated in the bubble bath machine, and they are fully mixed with small molecule agglomerated water under high pressure. The fine bubbles spread like milk in the bathtub. When our skin is immersed in a bathtub, the hydrogen molecules carried by water molecules are continuously transported to the skin surface, penetrating skin cells, and promoting blood microcirculation.
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