oxyhydrogen welding electric motor magnet wire compared with oxyacetylene welding
Home > Cases > Water Fuel Oxyhydrogen Generator Welding of Electric Motor Enamelled Copper Wire

Water Fuel Oxyhydrogen Generator Welding of Electric Motor Enamelled Copper Wire


The improvement of the enameled wire welding method is proposed by the Motor Technology Department based on the optimization of the motor production process, and oxyhydrogen welding machine is recommended to replace the company’s existing welding equipment such as oxyacetylene welding in the motor workshop,electric iron soldering or butt welding in the assembly line workshop.

oxyhydrogen flame welding electrical motor windings

The cost analysis,advantages and disadvantages of oxyacetylene welding,electric iron soldering and butt welding are as follows:

1.The welding equipment in the motor workshop is oxygen, acetylene, and copper rods, and is operated by the oxyacetylene flame torch connected with the leather tube. The disadvantage is that the fuel are large and not environmentally friendly. The consumption of fuel is around 30 bottles of oxygen per month at pricing US$1.27-US$3.62 per bottle and around 30 bottles of acetylene per month.The price of acetylene is US$11.60-US$1.74 per bottle. The cost of copper rods is over US$434 per year.

2.The welding equipment in the assembly line workshop is electric iron soldering, and the main material is solder wire. Its disadvantages are durability, high material consumption, and high cost. The annual cost of solder wire is about US$7246 to US$8695.

3.Butt welding is the process of melting and welding the wiring harness at both ends using a simple short circuit between positive and negative electrodes, resulting in an instantaneous high current. The cost of butt welding is low, and the operation is relatively easy. However, the butting welding of enameled wires to cable wires can lead to some false soldering, which is not easily detected by the welding workers. On the one hand, the motor power does not meet the rated value and resulting in some defective products. On the other hand, the electric sparks during welding can cause significant damage to the operator’s eye, and long-term operation can even lead to severe accidents which some welding workers have temporary blindness.

The new proposed welding equipment is oxyhydrogen welding machine.The hydrogen oxygen welding machine adopts the electrochemical principle, converts alternating current into direct current, and produces hydrogen and oxygen by direct current electrolysis of the water in the electrolysis cell. Hydrogen is used as fuel, oxygen is used for combustion, and is output a precision controlled hydrogen oxygen flame torch. It ignites a high temperature oxyhydrogen flame up to 2800 degree centigrade,which instantly melts the joints of the enameled wire and the cable wire, and the welding points are rounded and firm. Oxyhydrogen welding machine is a kind of high temperature and high energy fuel. It replaces the traditional hydrocarbon fuel and is used in all situations where flame is required. It has the advantages of high efficiency, energy saving, safety and environmental protection.

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